E Shan Tang Herbs, Inc.171 HARVARD AVENUE  •  ALLSTON  •  MA 02134  •  TEL (617) 787-4503   

General Digestion

Actions & Indications
Bao Ji Wan 
Strengthens and adjusts stomach and intestinal qi. Good for fever, diarrhea, intoxication, over-eating, and vomiting. 
Bu Zhong Yi Qi Wan 
Strengthens qi, raises yang qi. Helps to treat deficient qi in the spleen and stomach marked by fatigue, shortness of breath, daytime sweating, poor appetite, and chronic diarrhea. 
Guava Leaf Tea 
20 bags 
Lowers blood sugar. 
Jian Pi Wan 
Invigorates the spleen, improves appetite. Helps strengthen weak spleen and stomach qi that manifests as epigastric distention, anorexia, and loose bowels. 
Shun Qi Wan 
moves stuck qi in the middle warmer; strengthens the stomach. Helps to relieve bloating and gas. 
Gastrointestinal Capsules 
120 capsules 
Gastrointestinal Powder 
4 oz 
120 capsules 

Pain From Cold

Actions & Indications
Li Zhong Wan 
Warms and reinforces spleen and stomach. Helps relieve cold deficiency of the spleen and stomach marked with cold pain in the epigastrium, vomiting, diarrhea, and cold extremities. 
Gui Pi Wan (Angelicae Longona Extract) 
Invigorates spleen, nourishes blood, acts as a sedative. Helps alleviate shortness of breath, cardiac palpitations, insomnia, nightmares, dizziness, anorexia, and excessive menstrual discharge caused by spleen and heat deficiency. 
Hua Tuo Zai Zao Wan 
Moves blood, cleanses damp heat. Helps to reduce cold-induced abdominal pain and headaches, contipation, and menstrual pain. 
Xiang Fu Li Zhong Wan 
Helps to warm and dry the epigastric area. Expels excess phlegm, alleviates pain, and strengthens the spleen. 

Pain From Heat

Actions & Indications
Chuan Xin Lian 
Clears heat, reduces inflammation in the three burners. Helps reduce lung heat such as inflammation due to common cold and fly, chronic cough with yellow sputum, and pneumonia. Clears lower warmer damp heat, such as urinary tract infections. 
Huang Lian Su Pia 
out of stock 
Subsides inflammation and clears toxic heat. Helps with intestinal infections with bloody or watery stool, abdominal pain, vomiting, and fever. Also aids in treating skin sores with pus. 

Constipation Or Diarrhea

Actions & Indications
Run Chang Wan 
Moistens the intestines, helps relieve constipation and damp-heat fluid accumulation by moving stagnant blood. 
Xiang Sha Yang Wei Wan 
Strengthens the stomach, improves digestion. Helps to relieve pain due to stomach gas, indigestion, vomiting, and diarrhea. 
E Shan Tang Aloe Capsules 
Used to treat rough, dry, sunburned or damaged skin and constipation. 
Zhen Lu Wan (Sanwa Sailor Gwan) 
$11.00 100 pills $29.00 400 pills 
Helps to dispel diarrhea due to consumption of contaminated foods. Also serves to relieve toothaches. (Available in large size for $16.00) 
E Shan Tang Rhubarb Capsules 
For constipation. Made from 100% rhubarb powder. 
Natural Body Detoxify Formula 
Ingredients: burdock, rhubarb, sorrell, slippery elm bark. 
Da Hwang Wan 
120 capsules 
Black Sesame Powder 
8 oz 
out of order 
Natural Body Detox 
120 capsules 

Motion Sickness

Actions & Indications
Kang Ning Wan (Pill Curing) 
Regulates the middle warmer, improves digestion, and expels wind-cold in the summer. Helps alleviate motion sickness with nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. 
Bao Ji Wan 
Strengthens and adjusts stomach and intestinal qi. Good for fever, diarrhea, intoxication, overeating, and vomiting. 

Actions & Indications
Huo Hsiang Cheng Chi Powder 
Stomach virus 

© E. Shan Tang Herbs, inc. 2008
171 Harvard Avenue, Allston, MA 02134

EMAIL eshantang@aol.com
TEL (617) 787-4503
FAX (617) 787-4519

First Come First Serve, No Appointment Necessary
Store Hours:
Tuesday-Sunday 10:00A - 6:00P